/Intangible Cultural Heritage
To better carry forward and pass on the culture and weaving skills of silk, WENSLI Silk Culture Museum engaged national level outstanding silk experts and researchers, including 14 national level silk technicians as our senior consultants for embroidery, silk carving, Song silk, cloud silk, velvet, silk blanket and other intangible cultural heritages, combined of famous paintings , calligraphy with silk skills and created numbers of exquisite treasures of silk intangible cultural heritages.
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    WENSLI in the National Museum of China
    In 2017, “Chen Jialing Arts Exhibition” was held in the National Museum of China and displayed the silk works as intangible cultural heritages handmade by Chen Jialing, the famous artist of traditional Chinese painting, collected by WENSLI Group.
    In order to display traditional Chinese silk technology and high uinnovation standard at the supreme cultural palace of China -- National Museum of China, WENSLI Group has gathered a group of masters half a year before, including Qian Xiaoping, Dai Jian, Li Yukun and other representative inheritors of Song silk, cloud silk, silk blanket and other weaving techniques as national level intangible cultural heritages, as well as dozens of masterly artists of Suzhou-style embroidery and silk carving. By use of brushes and fingers, these masters are making great artworks, so the 12 silk paintings are the perfect representation of high levels of Chinese silk art and technology.
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    Inherit the Silk Technology
    Embroidery, silk carving, Song silk, cloud silk, velvet, silk blanket, silk painting and others are all intangible cultural heritages relevant to silk. To inherit such silk technologies and train future silk artists, WENSLI engages a great number of masters to combined the precious techniques with artworks, to promote the majestic Chinese silk technology to the public in the intangible cultural heritage exhibition hall.
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